Monday, 14 October 2013

a few minutes

Evie normally has a nap in the day of between half an hour and two hours...

...not yesterday though!

We were coming back from town and Evie fell asleep (it was just before lunchtime) a few minutes later we were home,so James got her out and was carrying her upstairs and she woke up.

So she had her lunch - we tried her on some super noodles James made her up half a packet but used the whole packet of seasoning in it!  She didnt eat much more than a few spoonfuls.  James knows that if I had done it for her then I wouldnt have added any of the seasoning.

So I ended up doing her some rice but she didnt eat too much of that either but at least with the two things combined she didnt do too badly.

And then she had her yoghurt.

So I expected her to fall back asleep after her lunch but no she didnt.

It was then coming up for her dinner time and I thought she will probably fall asleep while eating her dinner (which is what she tends to do if she hasnt had her nap) but no she had her dinner and her bath... this tinme I thought ok she is definitely going to keep going until bedtime and she ended up falling asleep on the floor at 8pm (her bedtime is normally 9pm) and she was so sleepy that we just changed her nappy and didnt bother doing her bedtime cup of milk.

She has slept straight through (so far) so not having her milk last night hasnt left her hungry ;o)


Eileen H said...

She'd tired herself out, bless her!

chocolat lover said...

its funny when she does that...

...pretty soon she wont need to have any naps at all!