Tuesday 1 July 2014

sporting challenge

Yesterday at Tumble Tots we had a sporting challenge (cycling - because of the tour de France coming through Essex, Tennis because of Wimbledon, Rowing because there is a dragon boat race taking place on Sunday, and football because of the World Cup in aid of charity.

We were given a sponsorship form but typically I couldnt find it when James took Evie to see his Mum & Dad on Friday - so I just took the money that we had sponsored Evie (we dd £1 per event ;o)).

I think that Evies favourite events were the cycling (because of crawling through a tunnel) and rowing (because of the wobbly plank for the dragon boat), she also liked the tennis beacuse she hit two tethered balloons (in a protective cover) with childrens tennis racquets ;o)

Evie was her usual tired self and fell asleep on our way home ;o)

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