Monday, 29 September 2014

finally autumn

This morning we woke up to mist...

...when I opened the front door to see what it is like outside it is quite chilly... I reckon tat I will soon be packing away Evies summer clothes and washing her winter stuff.

Sunday, 28 September 2014

a choice of hats

Tomorrow at Tumble Tots the bloke is coming in who does the dvds...

..hee hee hee Im no 1 on the list this time so we should be done by the time the class starts (with a bit of luck) ;o)

As Evie has a tendency to lose her hats I thought that I had better buy Evie a new hat (she still has the cat one that I bought her last year), when we were in Sainsburys on Wednesday I saw a knitted fox hat so I bought it for her today as they had 25% off this weekend ;o)

So tomorrow I shall give her a choice of which hat to wear in the dvd ;o)

Friday, 26 September 2014

taken by Evie

Yesterday while we were in the library we were asked what technology Evie uses, and one of the questions was "does she use a camera?" and I said I havent let her use one yet... at lunchtime yesterday I mentioned it to James and he held my smartphone and let her use my camera ;o)

smile Daddy

LOL she is quite the photographer ;o)

a change of plan

Yesterday (because the lady doing it in the other library was off) I took Evie to the big library in Chelmsford for Rhyme Time and she had a great time and was even doing the hand motions for a few of the songs but wouldnt do any singing despite knowing all of the songs!

On our way home from town I got a text from my friend who I was supposed to be meeting for lunch Thursday next week saying that she couldnt make it now and could I do lunch today or Monday instead?

well on Monday we have Tumble Tots so cant make then, so we will meet her today ;o)

Which means that we can go to the French session next week at the Springfield library ;o)

I have been on the lookout for a halloween top for Evie and have bought her this one ;o) and I got 30% off too so I was well chuffed ;o)

Thursday, 25 September 2014

she will start in November

We went to the pre-school yesterday to have a look around.

Evie enjoyed it there and was playing with the building blocks while another girl wanted to knock down the towers that Evie was building ;o)

We were showed around the room... had several "areas"...

there was a sand box (Evie loves sand boxes) and she was happily playing in there too

there was a water table that had some girls world heads in for them to wash and brush their hair

there was a quiet corner (which a little boy was in as he was upset about being left there by his Mummy), there was someone there with him stroking his back to make him feel better.  They told me that the previous day he had calmed down half an hour later and was then happily playing so that was good to know.

a climbing frame

and an indoor garden where they have picnics and pretend barbeques ;o)

and there is a little side room with toddler cubicles for the ones who are potty trained.

They take them over to the infant school everyday so that the kiddies can use the playground so that is good.

Anyway she has her two settling in sessions at the beginning of November after the half term holiday and I now have a few forms to fill in!

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

it will be good practice

This morning me & Evie are going to see a pre-school, it is one that is attached to an infant school so hopefully when she starts properly (just before she is 5) it wont be such a big deal for her ;o).

Our appointment is quite early (lol anything before 10 am is early for me)  when I was asked if the time was ok I thought to myself "its a bit early" but then I realised that I would have to get Evie ready for earlier than that when she starts going anyway.

I have got myself dressed already and will make sure that there is no messing about on Evies part (well that is the plan anyway!).

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Double lunch

This morning when I was doing breakfast Evie said that she wanted spaghetti hoops, I told her that she could have them.for her lunch.

So at lunchtime I asked Evie what she wanted and she said "spaghetti hoops" so she ate them and then said she wanted "chocolate spread" so I just did her one slice of bread.

I will have to see if she still wants a dessert ;o)

hes behind you, hes behind you

As you remember way back in February (during the half term) Evie enjoyed watching the panto bus production of Dick Whittington and I booked us tickets to see Peter Pan for this year ;o).

James was talking to his Mum on Friday and she said that she would like to take us to see a panto this year, so he told her that we had already booked one for us to see.

So I said to him that there was no reason why we couldnt see two pantos...

So yesterday his Mum & Dad has booked us up to see Sleeping Beauty, it is four weeks after we see Peter Pan so at least it will give us something to look forward to after Christmas too ;o)

I just hope that she enjoys seeing them ;o)

Sunday, 21 September 2014

getting her used to the idea

Next week I am going to look at a pre-school for Evie ;o)

I have put in Time for School for Evie to watch just to give her some idea about what it will be like ;o)

Everytime I suggest putting it on she says that she wants to watch something else...

James has been banging on about it for months and I have been putting it off because I know that I will miss her.

Friday, 19 September 2014

just like it used to be

As Evie didnt have her nap yesterday we did end up going to Springfield Library for their baby & toddler session ;o)

It followed the format that Chelmsford Central Library had before 4 Children took the sessions over.

We had songs (on an animal theme) and two stories.

One of the songs Was Old MacDonald had a farm and they had a bag of toys for the song so I got Evie to go up and she got a horse ;o)

Evie was very quiet while we were in there and didnt do any of the actions for the songs or sing any of the songs that she knew.  It wasnt because she was feeling tired because she was singing head shoulders knees and toes on our way home!

They havent got a session on next week (because the woman doing it is away) but the volunteer helping her will still read some stories he was saying.

And on the first Thursday of the month they do french songs but we are going to miss that one too as we are meeting a friend for lunch ;o)

We will definitely go back to that one again ;o)

Thursday, 18 September 2014

if she wont have a sleep

Yesterday after doing her make up session at Tumble Tots Evie wouldnt have her afternoon nap...

...she usually falls asleep in the buggy on our way home but yesterday she didnt... I did her lunch when we got back and changed her nappy and put her down but all I could hear was her chattering away and then getting up and running up and down, so I tried getting her to go back to bed and the chattering and running about still continued.

I eventually bought her back downstairs 45 minutes later.

The Rhyme Time session at Chelmsford Central library gets really busy (especially as they cut the number of sessions from five a week down to three last year).

As Evie still has a cold I decided not to go today but I did see that the Springfield Library also do a baby & toddler session on Thursday afternoons, so if Evie doesnt want to have her nap today we shall go to that to see if it is any better than the other one ;o)

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

make up session

Because Evie missed two sessions of Tumble Tots while we were on holiday, we had our first make up session last Wednesday and our second one is today.

I hope that Evie is well enough to go today...

...she is still asleep at the moment and has slept through again apart from waking up at 5.30 am because she couldnt her muslin cloth!

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

medicine and vapour rub did the trick

As Evie managed to keep down her breakfast yesterday morning we did make it to Tumble Tots ;o)

Then yesterday afternoon Evie was getting really snotty and had a temperature so I gave her some medicine.

She had another dose after her dinner and I rubbed loads of vapour rub into her chest too...

...I expected her to wake up in the night but she slept right through which was good ;o)

Monday, 15 September 2014

Viva Menorca

We had a lovely holiday in Menorca ;o)

We stayed at this hotel almost every family there had a child with them ;o)

The hotel was all inclusive too ;o)

eating spaghetti

eating ice cream

It had a great childrens area

We didnt go into the pools in the end

Evie enjoyed going down the slides

going up the slide
at the top
coming down
nearly at the bottom
getting off

and going to the beach

filling the bucket with sand

and the day before we came home I finally got her to play on the pirate ship ;o)

Evies favourite thing was walking up and down the steps ;o)

walking up
and coming back down again

We did a couple of day trips too

One was to discover Menorca and it ended with seeing the dancing horses doing there training ;o)

dancing horses

We were worried about how Evie would be on the plane but she just fell asleep both ways ;o)

asleep on our way home

whinge cry vomit

Yesterday Evie was in a whingy mood (I thought she was just playing up because James was being narky about going back to work).

Last night she woke up a few times (every couple of hours) and would be crying so one of us (me the first couple of times) would go in and get her to go back to sleep.

Then this morning just after 6 am she woke up and was crying again so I went in to her room and she was lying there crying and I could see something green in her mouth so I got her to sit up and she was sick and it was green, I think that it was snot.

She is sitting there quite happily now watching tv now.

I will have to see how she is after breakfast as to if we go to Tumble Tots or not.

Sunday, 14 September 2014

normal service will resume shortly

James is back at work tomorrow, so normal service will resume then ;o)