Friday, 24 July 2015

good job I asked when I did

As on Wednesday I thought that Evie still had two more session at pre school, I thought that I would clarify with the lady signing the kiddies in that next week there would be no more pre school until September and about lunch (as Evie will be doing 2 full days and having to take her lunch with us).

I wanted to know how other Mums label up the lunchbox, and if they would take off the lid of her custard/jelly pot for her and if they would help her chop the jelly up (as she tries to but she slops it everywhere ;o)), I was told that the other Mums use a permanent marker on both the lunchbox and water bottle and yes that they would take off the lid for her and help her with the jelly ;o).  I though that they would ;o)

I was then told that Wednesday was the last day!

It must have been written down on the last newsletter but I hadnt read it properly.

The weather is supposed to be heavy rain today so if Evie gets dressed quickly after breakfast she may be able to have a quick play outside before ti starts ;o)

As we will be missing two sessions of Tumble Tots in September when we are away, I read in the latest newsletter that make up session can also be taken before your holiday too.

So on Monday I asked the lady who runs it if I could do it (as you are not supposed to take make up sessions in the last or first week of  term), she said that that would be ok, so Evie has her first make up session on Wednesday and then she can have the second one after we come back ;o).


Eileen H said...

It's always best to check.

chocolat lover said...

im glad that I did ;o)