Sunday, 5 July 2015

more knickers

For the last few days Evie has been so busy playing (both at home and at pre school) that she has forgotten to say when she needs to go to the toilet!

As some of her accidents have been messier than others we have had to throw away probably another 5 pairs.

So this morning while shopping we have bought her some more pairs.


Eileen H said...

Could you not soak her knickers in a bucket in hot soapy water, instead of keep throwing them away? You could always put a panty liner in her knickers.
My two used to have terry towelling nappies and I used a nappy liner and then soak them in a bucket.
Hopefully she'll grow out of forgetting to ask.

chocolat lover said...

If its not too bad then I do soak them in hot soapy water, but its the truly horrible ones that I end up chucking away...

She gets too focused on what she is doing ;o)