Yesterday at the end of
Tumble Tots they were doing the birthdays and they asked Evie to stand up... my Evie stood up and one of the ladies asked her if it was her birthday and she said "yes" so they gave her a card and a sticker, I was just about to shout "its the wrong Evie" when the lady running it said that it was the wrong one.
So they asked Evie for the card and sticker back (why they couldnt have written a new card and got out another sticker is beyond me).
when Evie came running back I could see that she was upset,,, on our way home we went via
Asda and Evie chose a card to replace the one that they wanted back.
the replacement card that Evie chose |
While we were in there I treated myself to a
marmite Easter egg ;o) and Evie chose a
milkybar barnyard egg and we treated James to a
lion egg to get the 3 for £10 offer ;o)