Tuesday, 23 August 2016

buying the weather

Quite a few weeks ago on the Film Review podcast Simon Mayo was saying about  a podcast that he listened to.

So I added it to my memory bank and looked to download the episodes the next day.

The podcast is a show on a community radio station in a city in the desert where every conspiracy theory is true :)

A segment in the show is the weather and a song is played.

The song I heard last night was Evelyn by Kim Tillman & Silent Films (I actually found it cheaper on I Tunes).

I really liked the song and not just because of the name (but it did help to clinch the deal) :)


Eileen H said...

I've never listened to any podcasts. My son told me how good they can be but I never did explore them.

chocolat lover said...

there are some good podcasts out there...

...if you have an mp3 player you could put one on when your taking Annie out for a walk :)