Friday, 15 June 2018

mummy I did my words

When Evie came out of her classroom she told me that she had done her words :)

Evie said that she thought that she did ok and that she picked out some of the alien words.

We said to her that as long as she did her best then that is all that matters :)

So I asked her teacher when we would find out if she has passed it or not she said that we would find out in the end of year school report!


Eileen H said...

Not knowing when end of term is exactly, I'm sure you won't have long to wait. Fingers crossed Evie did well. I used to encourage my two with those words "just do your best, that's all that matters" :)

Jules said...

Do your best is all I ever ask for too. Although five weeks is a long wait for little people to find out the results. X

chocolat lover said...

I think every parent says the same thing :)