Thursday, 27 September 2018

reading and going to the airport but not on holiday

Yesterday I was helping in class...

...I spent the morning after they had their PE session listening to some of the children reading :)

Mrs R was saying that they are having parent helpers in every day now so its hard finding things for us Mums to do :)

When I picked Evie up yesterday afternoon she told me that there was a letter in her bag about a school trip.

So I had a quick read and its going to the airport :) I was making Evie laugh by saying that all of the kids will keep asking Mr J if they are going on holiday :)


Jules said...

The school is fortunate to be able to have so many people helping out. It must take some of the load of the teachers and support assistants.
A visit to the airport sounds exciting. X

Eileen H said...

I expect you're right that the children will be expecting to board a plane and take off :)

chocolat lover said...

Jules - Evies year has plenty of parent helpers but the next year down dont have enough..

...when they had the trip last year a parent mail went out asking if anyone was available to help, and on Friday I saw a sign on Evies old classroom window asking if anyone could help with the walk around the area next week :(

Eileen - I can see a lot of disappointed 6 year olds :)