Sunday, 1 November 2009

Piles of piles...

I walked into work last Monday morning knowing that there would be tons of work left for me having had two weeks off. I looked at my desk and it looked uncharacteristically clear, I then glanced into the meeting room and saw it all layed out in neat piles in there. My first thought was that I had done something wrong and I was in heaps of trouble, and I had that horrible sick feeling that goes with it (you know the one!).

One of my bosses walked in just before 9 and said that I had probably noticed how clear my desk was, and that they had sorted my work into piles for me and hidden them in the meeting room (so as not to freak me out), and I could work at them at my own pace. How nice was that? ;o).

The weather has turned really Autumnal now, and I cant believe how much it has been raining, yes I know this is England and it always rains...

On Wednesday the Starbucks Christmas drinks are out, Im so excited and cant wait to have the first Gingerbread latte of the season ;o).

So as not to be accused of being coffee snobs, we decided yesterday afternoon to try the Christmas drinks in Costa, James had a gingerbread latte (which he thought tasted artificial) and I had their Creme Brulee latte (it was horrible and just didnt taste nice and I wouldnt have it again). Starbucks did a Creme Brulee latte a couple of years ago which was really nice (Ive no idea why it didnt make it into the Christmas line up again :o(). There would be revolts mainly from me and James (probably more me if the truth) if the gingerbread latte wasnt there (I tells ya REVOLTS, R-E-V-O-L-T-S).

For those of you interested in my Flickr goings on, I have set up my first group, so look out for those A-boards and pavement signs and be sure to upload them ;o).

Im still not feeling brave enough to weigh myself yet...

The holiday pictures are still in the process of being uploaded and commented on, but James ones are online now.


Anonymous said...

Do they not have anyone that could do at least some of the work that you normally do when you're not there? Still, at least they arranged all of the work into neat piles for you, that's something! It'll all get done eventually though.

Your Costa experience will teach you not to stray from Starbucks if nothing else!

James (UK) said...

Al, that's what I said to Amber myself; how can the work just get "left" like that? Crazy, if you ask me...

chocolat lover said...

theres so few of us here that there is no chance of cover when on holiday/off sick, oh well it will keep me quiet for a while...

We certainly learnt our lesson to not stray from Starbucks