Sunday, 28 November 2010

its cold outside baby

It has been COLD...

...this morning it was -3 degrees centigrade - I know to my readers in mega cold places this is just a walk in the park (LOL I have looked at my stats and even have the odd reader from Russia ;o)) - but to us soft Brits it is blooming cold.

In actual fact it was so cold yesterday that we didnt go back into Chelmsford in the afternoon for our (or rather my) third Starbucks Christmas drink!


Kelly said...

What a shame! Such frigid weather keeping you away from your Christmas drinks. *tsk* ;)

Stay warm and enjoy the rest of your Sunday!


Will you ever do twitter?
Inquiring minds would like to know ;)

chocolat lover said...

LOL I think Starbucks had a search party out for us ;o)

Im still thinking about twitter... ;o)

Eileen H said...

It's blooming here too. We have very little snow here on the coast but we travelled inland to Snowdonia yesterday and there was lots of snow and still snowing. It was very picturesque though and I will post some pics later.

Al said...

It has been stupidly cold later and it's only supposed to be at least as cold next week if not more so.

We need to move to a warmer country.

chocolat lover said...

Eileen - hee hee in Snowdonia you would almost feel cheated if there wasnt any snow ;o)

Al - moving to a warmer country sounds like a fab idea ;o)