Wednesday, 18 April 2012

keeping to his word

Yesterday morning Evie woke up at 4am (just as James was getting up) he offered to feed Evie and I said that will be great...

...he then said that he would rather have time to eat his breakfast and get ready for work, so I ended up feeding her.

Then last night James said that it was selfish of him to just think of himself and if Evie wakes up between him getting up and 5.30 he would then feed her for me so that I can get back to sleep.

So this morning at 5am Evie woke up (I went to go to the toilet and James was already in the bathroom) and I told him that she had woken up and he said "I will make the feed for you" I thought to myself great, what happened to you feeding her?

Then he said "oh I can feed her for you" so I smiled sweetly and passed her over to him and let him keep to his word ;o)


Eileen H said...

He definitely had second thoughts. You're very lucky. Bless him :-)

Al said...

It appears you've finally found something that can stand between James and his cereal!

chocolat lover said...

Eileen - he fed her again this morning too ;o)

Al - his cereal consumption has certainly declined since Evies arrival ;o)