Wednesday, 5 June 2013

disrespectful Mums

Me & Evie were at the library yesterday.

The session was being taken by two ladies who are reasonably quiet.

During one of the stories being read (there are two of them) there was some real loud chattering from the Mums at the back and one of the two taking the session told them that it was hard for everyone to hear...

...I think that they kept it down a little but but not nearly enough.

One of the other ladies who does the sessions is a lot more forceful and will say to them "if you dont mind ladies" she also made one woman who was talking quietly on her phone to go around to the other side ;o)


Eileen H said...

They spoil it for everyone, so rude.
In a library too, I would have said shhh to them!
Don't get me started about mobile did we live our lives before them??

chocolat lover said...

mobile phones certainly have revolutionized everything ;o)

hee hee the Library should have a three strikes policy that would soon stop them ;o)

Kelly said...

I'm glad someone said something! A three strikes policy would be nice!

chocolat lover said...

most of us are good and stay quiet its only a few who are rude and talk during the stories, they probably talk during the songs too but its too noisy to tell!