Friday, 19 July 2013

would you like to use the bag?

Evie loves to help us unpack the food shopping when we get home from the supermarket ;o)

On Wednesday I had the idea of buying Evie a toy shopping bag (that comes with groceries in)...

I remembered seeing one in Mothercare (but couldnt remember how much it was), and then I remembered that Tesco did their own version ;o)

Having looked at the Mothercare one I can now see why it is more expensive.

Anyway Evie loves pulling the bits out of the bag but isnt so keen on putting them back in ;o)

LOL she has wrecked the cookie box and the cheesy biscuit box wont stand up on its own anymore!


Eileen H said...

I just read a couple of the reviews that said the boxes didn't last two minutes. Anyway she's got her own little shopping bag now. She'll be wanting to put all sorts of goodies in it :-)

I don't mind shopping and filling the trolley but I don't enjoy the unpacking and putting it all away at home. Perhaps you could send her to help me unpack :-)

chocolat lover said...

I will send her round ;o)