Tuesday 3 June 2014

going through the pre school mine field

Yesterday at Tumble Tots (when they were getting ready for Evies session to start) was asking if Evie was at Nursery yet?

I said no and that I as going to start looking in September (after our holiday and no I havent got anything sorted out for that yet either), she then said that we should start looking soon as we might not be able to get her in anywhere!

Here in England (not sure how it works in Scotland, Northern Ireland or Wales) you get 15 hours free childcare per week after the age of three until they start school just before they are five.

So I am now going to have to read through ofsted reports just to make sure that we are sending Evie to somewhere half decent!

I fully expect them to say that she will have to start early to "secure" her place which was why I really wanted to wait until nearer the time.


Eileen H said...

Nursery school already, it only seems like yesterday she was a baby in your arms. Time goes by so quickly. You won't know what to do with yourself when she starts at nursery!

chocolat lover said...

I know...
