Sunday, 14 June 2015


At swimming lesson yesterday I was sitting next to a Mum whose daughter has long hair (her hair is longer than Evies) as Evie moans and groans when I try to brush her hair I asked the other Mum how her daughter was.

She said that she uses a detangle this morning while we were shopping we picked this up, I will try it tonight after Evie has had her bath ;o)  Hopefully it will make brushing her hair easier ;o)

When I pick Evie up from pre school it always reminds me of visiting time at the zoo as the kiddies all crowd around the door looking for Mummy or Daddy.

On Friday we got "told off" as we are a distraction to the kiddies and that we should wait in the foyer until 12.05 I thought that we could pick the kids up at 12.00, when I signed Evie out I said that I would make sure that I leave home 5 minutes later ;o)


Eileen H said...

It's great that they make hair products for kiddies now. She'll feel all grown up now having her hair done :-)

Oh dear, that five minutes makes all the difference then :-)

chocolat lover said...

Kiddies have their own versions of everything now ;o)

Clearly it does ;o)