despite being a chocoholic I have managed to lose 4 and a half stone in 12 months. This is my diary of the highs and lows of trying to keep the weight off (or at least under reasonable control).
Tuesday, 4 October 2016
job application
...I have applied for a job :)
As a Lunch Time Assistant (a posh word for a dinner lady), at Evies school.
Perhaps I should watch dinnerladies so I can know what to expect :)
Good luck CL, I'll have my fingers crossed for you :) That job would be ideal to fit in with Evie's schooldays and holidays.
Good luck with the interview.
BTW dinnerladies is set in a factory canteen but still a classic and worth a watch if you've never seen it.
Eileen - thanks :)
Kirt - thanks :) I have never watched a full episode I did do a search for an episode on Sky but couldnt find one!
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