Wednesday, 30 August 2017

eye check up

Yesterday Evie had her eye check up at the hospital...

...she rattled off all of the letters with no problems with her right eye, but with her left eye she was clearly guessing the letters.

So she is getting new glasses and she is getting an appointment for 8 weeks time (when she is wearing her new glasses) and luckily it co-incides with the half term holidays to see if she can see the letters better.

It takes 2 weeks for her glasses to be made up so I will wait for the text message to say that they are ready to collect.


Eileen H said...

These regular checkups are so important. I have had to wear glasses since being a small child and couldn't cope without them. What colour frames has Evie chosen for her new glasses this time?

Jules said...

The last time I had an eye check I noticed they had glow in the dark glasses for children! We are fortunate to have good eye care in this country. X

chocolat lover said...

Eileen - Eie has gone for purple frames with pink arms :)

Jules - forget Evie I want glow in the dark frames :) We have good health care in this country...

...people moan about it but it is free.