Thursday, 7 December 2017

three things

Some days I have nothing and today I have 3 things :)

Yesterday was Evies Christmas play it went well and was based around strictly come dancing with one of the judges Ceasar being based on Craig :)

Evie said she enjoyed it and she did all of the singing and dancing so that was good :)

I am going in to school today and because I ticked the all day box I have to go in all day (her teacher even told me to bring in my lunch).

I dont think I mentioned but a couple of Evies birthday party invites went to the wrong children, one of them got passed on to the right child and one didnt...

Luckily after I found out I texted all of the Mums to find out that they got the invite and only one other didnt.

I then get a text this morning from a Mum that I invited last year (but didnt get a reply from) the child does have the same name but a different spelling, perhaps she didnt realise that there were two girls with that name, saying that her daughter can come :) I replied back and saud that Evie will be pleased :)


Jules said...

I'm so glad Evie enjoyed the performance. It must have been great fun to watch. X

Eileen H said...

I'm glad you enjoyed the play :)

chocolat lover said...

yes it was great :)