Thursday, 28 June 2018


Yesterday was helping in class morning again :)

It started off with me doing filing from the day before :)

Then instead of English and singing assembly the kids went of to watch the dress rehearsal for the year 2 production :) Evie couldnt remember what it was called but it was about sunflowers :)

Then the kids went through the months of the year and after morning break they were gluing the months onto a sheet and then had to draw pictures of things that were important to them for those months :)

As I was leaving I saw some of next years reception kids having their lunch experience :)


Jules said...

It's the KS1 production here next week. Something to do with the seasons. X

Eileen H said...

The school year passes by so quickly!

chocolat lover said...

Jules - sounds fun :)

Eileen - it certainly is going quickly