Wednesday, 12 September 2018

I ballsed that one up :)

After telling Mrs B at the open evening that I would like to continue helping on a Wednesday morning  I thought that I had better check what day PE is normally as that is more than likely when she will have her swimming lesson...

...I was relieved when I checked the school website that it said Tuesdays and Thursdays

...I know that Evie wont let me put her swimming cap on and a couple of the other girls have really long hair.

Yesterday looking in Evies book bag I saw that there was a new home/school record book and inside it said about when homework is and when PE is...

...indoor PE is now going to be on a Wednesday morning so I may end up having to help with swimming after all! :)


Jules said...

I don't even know if they do swimming at Lily's school. I'm sure you'll have fun wih it. X

Eileen H said...

It should be fun helping at swimming lessons.

chocolat lover said...

I think it will be too :)