Sunday, 24 January 2010

booking birthday commiserations

I have a big milestone birthday coming up and was determined to do something fun...

I was thinking what shall I do and where should I go? After a lot of deliberations I have booked an afternoon tea at Claridges with my three best friends.

And I have booked me and James a trip to Paris on Eurostar, I have only been to Paris once before and that was back in 1992, when me and my friends (the same ones Im doing the afternoon tea with) did a coach trip to EuroDisney (as it was called then).

As with all coach trips it was full of old people (one of them was a nice doctor (she used to keep a jar of boiled sweets in her consulting room to give to the kiddies) me and one of my friends had) apart from eight of us (who were all under 30) - the tour guide called us "The EuroDisney eight". There was also a lorry driver strike at the time we went, so instead of going on the motorway from Calais to Paris we went on the back roads, which took a good 10 hours. I remember getting quite drunk on the awful wine we had with our meal that first night ;o).

I am having to renew my passport too...

...I was thinking what sort of photo should I get taken? Should I go for one depicting how Im likely to look when going through passport control? ie half asleep with my hair all over the place. or one where I have brushed my hair? (how I will definitely not be looking).

I got my pictures done this morning at the Photo-me booth, and James had a look and said "you dont look very 'appy in them" so I glared at him and said "your supposed to 'ave a neutral expression", I dont know about neutral I definitely look more miserable ;o), which I suppose will be more of my look when returning from going away!


Al said...

Well if your picture shows you looking how you're likely to look on your return then you won't have any trouble being let back into the country. I'll leave you to decide whether that would be a good thing or not!

Sounds like a good way to celebrate your Birthday though, hope you have a great time.

chocolat lover said...

thanks Al its not for a while yet...

Kelly said...

Ooh, Paris. I have an aunt who used to summer in Nice all the time. She is very LaTiDah, if you get my drift.

The tea looks lovely. I was looking at their website and I was shocked that you're mother's day is in March! Ours is in May!

Getting drunk on awful wine is not something someone ought to do often. Maybe you will have excellent wine this time? ;)

When is your birthday?

chocolat lover said...

I dont get why they just dont celebrate Mothers Day on the same day the world over.

My birthday is not until May...