Sunday, 7 March 2010

Friday was an interesting day

The day started when I was walking to work and saw these movie lights down Fenchurch Avenue...

We later found out that they were filming an advert for Go Compare, I would look out for the advert but as it was filmed inside an office Im not really going to know which one it was!

One of my bosses came in just before 9am and said that the V Festival tickets were going on sale at 9am and he wanted me to try and get two tickets with camping for his daughter. And if I could book the two tickets then he will give me 10% of the ticket price as a bonus ;o) That soon got my interest I can tell you ;o)

So just before 9am I get onto the relevant website and kept on refreshing the page until it said that the tickets were on sale, I then clicked on the tickets that I (or rather he) wanted and was held in a queue. The website then said you could either wait or keep refreshing the page, so I kept clicking refresh until it let me book the tickets. After about 5 minutes I was then taken onto the booking page, and managed to book the two tickets with camping that were required. My boss was well chuffed and texted his daughter who said I should get a pay rise ;o).

We were well lucky because all of the camping tickets were sold out be 9.20!

My boss is going to Brazil next week, and wants to take with him a summary of our website in Portuguese in leaflet form to hand out to potential clients, we have some leaflets that we had printed in Spanish a few years ago, so it makes sense to have some Portuguese ones too. Our printers said they could get them done in a couple of days.

I phoned the printers hoping that they would have a word version of our leaflet (to save me having to faff about too much) I had already gone through my colleagues old emails and could only find a pdf version. But no, because they use art packages they save any documents straight to pdf. Oh well, there went that theory! And to top things off their e-mail was down too!

So I spent Friday afternoon with three versions of our website open (in English, Spanish & Portuguese) , with a pink highlighter in hand (to highlight the text needed) whilst reading through the Spanish leaflet with what is on the website in Spanish. It is well hard trying to read through something in a language that you dont understand!

I printed off the pages needed in Portuguese, having numbered the sections on the Spanish leaflet and numbered the corresponding passages in Portuguese and highlighting them for effect ;o). All of the pink made it look pretty too ;o)

I showed my boss what I had done, as I didnt want to confuse the printers when I e-mailed the relevant sections.

So I have e-mailed them scans of the original Spanish leaflet with the numbered sections, the pages in Portuguese numbered and highlighted and the same pages without the highlights in case when they print it they cant see what has been highlighted.

My boss was also taking the hard copies into the printers yesterday morning as they are only down the road from where he lives.


Al said...

Sounds like a lot of messing around for a few leaflets. I assume that a simple colour laser printer and some sheets of A4 wouldn't have sufficed?!

As for the advert, I would imagine that if it's being filmed now it will be either the next new one or the new one after that so keep an eye out for anything filmed indoors in those. I would imagine it would be some sort of office based thing but you never know.

Kelly said...

Aren't you just the most awesome ticket hunter ;)

chocolat lover said...

Al there was a lot of messing about involved, but it did keep me quiet for the afternoon ;o)

thanks Kelly, I certainly am ;o)