Sunday, 27 June 2010

the toilet wont flush

Let me fill you in on the back story first...

...a few weeks ago I went to flush the toilet and the handle went up at a funny angle and wouldnt flush we took the top of the cistern off to have a look and the metal connecting the handle to the inside bits had completely worn away!

We have been in this house for 15 years so it was of no big surprise!

Anyhow we went down to B & Q and bought a new handle which fixed it...

...or so we thought!

Fast Forward to last week the toilet was having trouble flushing again and we (or rather James) put it down to the handle coming loose so he tightened it and luckily it was flushing again.

Today the toilet (again) wont flush properly (just a trickle comes down when you try to flush) - James has tried tightening it again and it still wont work!  So off I went to B & Q and bought some fittings (a syphon & some float ball valves).  I was hoping that I would get some inspiration while walking around there (ie a big flashing sign saying if your toilet doesnt flush than this is whats wrong but it didnt!) I even checked their leaflets telling you how to fix things but there was nothing there either.  I even checked the internet and that suggested that the syphon might have a crack in it!  Which is why I went for the syphon but am not too sure why I went for the valves (I guess I thought in for a penny in for a pound ;o)).

Anyhow James dad is coming around tomorrow so hopefully he will be able to fix it...

...and currently James isnt talking to me because he has decided that its my fault that the toilet wont flush!


Kelly said...


Amber, you toilet breaking thug!

Well, its nice that you have someone to come help you out, and 15 years is a good run for the toilet and all of its parts.

Hope its working sooner than later. And for now, if you dump a bucket of water into the toilet (filling the bowl) it will kind of 'force flush' if the tank were filling properly and doing its job.

chocolat lover said...

thanks Kelly...

...we have a bucket on standby ;o)

Hopefully it will be fixed for tonight!

Al said...

I think I'd have reached the same decision, personally.

One of the benefits of living in rented accommodation is that when things like this happen, a man comes round who not only finds out what the problem is but also fixes it for you too!

chocolat lover said...

thanks Al ;o)

Living in rented accommodation certainly does have its upsides...