Thursday, 16 September 2010

pole dancing is dangerous

A while ago Alex did a post about vertical ballet...

...on the front cover of this mornings Metro is an article about a lady who got paralysed from a pole dancing fitness class, I would love to give this a try...

...but am now thinking better of it!

I havent read the article properly yet, and will save it for my journey home tonight


Al said...

Try telling that to the girls down at Spearmint Rhino...

I can see how it might be somewhat dangerous, but I think paralysis may well be one of those one in a million outcomes.

Kelly said...

ha ha. ouch.

spearmint rhino? wow, are you serious? so very...creative.

hmmm. gives you something to think about before picking up new hobbies, I suppose

chocolat lover said...

Al - is the Spearmint Rhino your pole dancing club of choice? ;o)

Kelly - that would be my sort of luck too...

Al said...

Absolutely! I've been there so many times they all know me by name now...

Er... I mean.... I don't know what you're talking about. What is this Spearmint Rhino place you talk of?
