Sunday, 17 July 2011

a few days in Kessingland

Last week me & James spent a few days in Kessingland in Suffolk, his Mum & Dad booked a place big enough for us, them, James brother his wife and their two kiddies... went ok and luckily there were no murders ;o)

We went there on the Saturday and came back on the Tuesday (leaving the other to come back on the Friday).

We mainly did stuff on the beach (so the kiddies would be amused), and it was good fun ;o)

Although on Wednesday I started to feel grotty and now have a cold (which I cant take anything for!) still I see the midwife on Tuesday so hopefully she will be able to recommend something if I am still no better.

I saw an advert on tv that Next were having a half price sale, so I decided to have a look at the baby stuff (its so much nicer when you are looking for stuff that is actually for you ;o)) I would have waited until nearer the time but thought "well it is on sale" so I ended up buying a few bits in the "new baby" size ;o)


Al said...

Now that's one side effect of pregnancy I hadn't thought of, not being able to take medicines I wouldn't otherwise think twice about shoving down my neck!

Hope you feel better soon!

Kelly said...

Your midwife will be of good help to you, but I also found that the pharmacist could tell me what was safe to take (no aspirin based meds, but things like tylenol were safe when I was pregnant).

I am glad you were out having fun. Just the day you posted this, I was thinking that I was going to have to send you an email checking up on your well-being!

When is your due date, anyway? I was thinking about finding cute little clothes, but then I also remembered that we don't know the sex of the little one.

chocolat lover said...

Al - theres also a whole load of foods that I cant eat either - luckily its stuff that I dont like anyway ;o)

Kelly - thanks ;o)

my due date is 29th December - hopefully littlun will be compliant when we go for the 20 week scan ;o)