Friday, 29 July 2011

half a pork belly sandwich

I had myself all psyched up for having half a lamb sandwich for my lunch...

...I got down to the shop an saw that they didnt have lamb written on the blackboard on the back, so I thought ok if they havent got lamb I will have sausage instead.

So I get to the front of the queue and the owner says to me "we havent got lamb today" so I said "ok I will have a sausage sandwich instead".  Then he said to me "we have in new pork belly" so I decided to go for half a pork belly sandwich (and the best bit is it still sounds greedy) and I have some pork crackling on the top too ;o)


Al said...

Hopefully it was just as good, or better, than your usual half a lamb.

I always wonder what happens to the half you don't eat you know, it is kept there for next time? :)

chocolat lover said...

I think he keeps them by his side and eats them later ;o)

Anonymous said...

I never had a lamb sandwich.

chocolat lover said...

I dont think that lamb is a big seller in the states...

...if you have ever had a gyro then that is made from lamb.