Sunday, 27 November 2011

the miserable bits

We had another NCT class on Friday, and because a couple of the couples had dos to go for the lady running the classes decided that we should cover the miserable bits...

...oh what joy ;o)

So we started off with the things that can prolong labour...

I suppose that its good to be prepared for every scenario!

Then it was what will bring on labour (this is something very handy to know when I just want her to pop out) ;o)

Then came the thing that was too close to home...

...postnatal depression, one group had to say what the symptoms were and our group had to say how to help someone suffering with it.

I must admit that I was very close to just sitting out the time in the toilets as I still get far too emotional over it all, but I held back the tears and added a few bits...

We then finished with massages ;o)

First it was my turn to be massaged (I must say the baby certainly likes it when we do that) and then the lady taking the class handed us out tennis balls or octopusses, we got a tennis ball first of all and it was really good and far better than the octopus (when we finally swapped).

Then it was my turn to massage James (LOL I just hope that he doesnt expect us to swap roles like that at the time ;o)), he seemed to enjoy it too and could see why I would prefer the tennis ball ;o).

Anyhow on Saturday morning we bought a couple of tennis balls and one of them has gone into my hospital bag.

Today in Chelmsford they are switching on the Christmas lights and part of the fun is having your photo taken with Peppa Pig...

...there were three stages of queues...

the first queue was outside and then there were two queues inside before you got to do the photo!

I can see us doing this next year ;o)


Al said...

It's always good to be prepared for any eventuality but hopefully it will be a lot of information that you won't need.

Eileen H said...

I had to check what an octopuss was :)
It's good that you ended the session with the relaxing bit after the doom and gloom. It is best to be armed with all the information and be prepared.

Next Christmas will be fun for you as a family :)

chocolat lover said...

I am hoping that I dont need to know about the horrible bits ;o)

Its weird knowing that there will be three of us soon ;o)