Wednesday, 15 February 2012

innoculations day

Today we have to go for Evies 8 week check up...

I am quite anxious for her :o(

I have even talked through to her what is going to happen while making it sound like an adventure ;o)

We have already bought some Calpol for if she has a temperature after (I must remember to put it in her changing bag).

We have to have 3 separate appointments!

1 for the Health Visitor to weigh her (she has to be kept undressed except for the all important nappy) then she sees the Doctor so he can give her the once over then she sees the nurse for her jabs.

I have been told to bring a blanket with me to keep her warm between the appointments.

LOL she hates it when I get her undressed at the best of times, Im not sure how she is going to feel about being undressed for a whole 40 minutes...

...I just hope that they arent running late like when I had my 6 week check up!


Eileen H said...

Poor Evie, I'm sure she'll realise that this big adventure is for her own good:-)
... and I hope the surgery has their heating turned up!

chocolat lover said...

I have already told her that it is to stop her feeling poorly, so hopefully she will understand ;o)

Yes the surgery does have the heating cranked up so she should be ok warmwise ;o)