Sunday, 11 March 2012

a mummy of many uses

When I was pregnant I was worried (like many Mums to be I guess) that my baby wouldnt bond with me...

I was wrong, as we have bonded big style ;o)

Evie uses me as a pillow and stretches out as much as her arms allow her to, its like she is trying to take up as much room as possible (LOL she is sitting asleep in the crook of my arm as I am typing ;o)).

She has also taken to using me as a tissue as I am sure that she has been trying to wipe her nose on me as she has her head buried in my t-shirt and moves her head from side to side like she is trying to wipe her nose ;o).


Kelly said...

Awww :) Of course y'all are bonding! Funny how they figure out the best way to use us at the earliest of ages!

chocolat lover said...

I love how comfortable Evie is with us ;o)

Eileen H said...

Aahh... bonding is falling in love with each other :-)