Sunday, 1 April 2012

clearly mothers arent light enough readers

You remember how I applied to World Book Night?

Well after a lot of chasing I was finally told that my application had been rejected!

Basically on the 27th February e-mails were supposed to go out to everyone saying whether you were successful or not...

Neither me or James were told either way...

James wasnt too bothered but I e-mailed them as I wanted to know...

First of all I was told that they couldnt immediately find my application, so was asked to let them know again what my choices were and when I did my application.

All I can say is thank goodness for my blog as I hadnt kept my e-mail saying thanks for your submission.

So I let them know and they then said that they thought that they had found my application and to tell them my address and the reason why I said that I should become a giver.  And to whom (Mark Kermode will appreciate me using the correct use of English ;o)) I would be giving the books.

So I let them know the reason (as far as I could remember) and that I would be giving them to Mothers in the Mother & Baby groups that I attend.

Then it all went quiet for a couple of weeks and a few days ago I was finally told that my application was rejected!


Eileen H said...

That's a shame you haven't been chosen. They don't seem to be very organised.

chocolat lover said...

they were as disorganised last year too, so they havent improved at all.