Monday, 5 November 2012

no going back

I e-mailed my bosses this morning telling them that I wont be going back...

...I said that I was enjoying being a Mum too much and didnt want to miss a minute of Evie growing up ;o)

Although I did think about going back just to spite them and both James and my Mum would agree that that is a definite thing that I would do ;o)

So no more thinking about whether I want to go back or not although the answer was always no.


Connie T. said...

I think that is great that you are going to stay with your baby. When you read about how mean babysitters are to your children, it makes you afraid to leave them with someone. Evie is lucky to have you with her.

chocolat lover said...

thanks Connie ;o)

Eileen H said...

I sort of thought you might become a stay at home Mum. I can tell you are enjoying being a Mum so much. Precious times with Evie still to come!

chocolat lover said...

Eileen - right from the moment Evie was born I knew that I wouldnt want to go back to work and was just keeping my options open until the last minute.