Friday, 14 June 2013

getting a book for Mummy to read

Me & Evie were at the library yesterday for their Rhyme Time session...

...I got there early enough to be able to get a seat and Evie was sitting on my lap and she decided to get off and sit on the floor, so I said to her "go and get a book for Mummy to read to you" so she crawled off towards the books.

The first one she tried to get she couldnt pull out (I was just about to get up to help her) and then she grabbed hold of the biggest book there.

She then proceeded to crawl back to me dragging the book with her... was really funny watching her ;o)


Eileen H said...

Awwww :-)

Maybe she thought that was Mummy, Daddy and your pussycat on the cover!!

chocolat lover said...

she probably did think of it being Mummy & Daddy ;o)