despite being a chocoholic I have managed to lose 4 and a half stone in 12 months. This is my diary of the highs and lows of trying to keep the weight off (or at least under reasonable control).
Monday, 10 June 2013
turning it around
Evie picked up a book that she wanted me to read to her...
...she opened it up and it was the wrong way up and I was well surprised that she turned it so that she could read it the right way around ;o)
Truly amazing!
Give her the benefit of the doubt, it wasn't just a coincidence.
She's such a clever girl :-)
That is a pre-literacy skill. She is very smart. Keep reading to her and she will only get smarter!
Eileen - we were really surprised when she did it.
Kelly - she will outsmart me & her dad in no time ;o)
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