Sunday, 15 December 2013

45 minutes later

For the past few weeks if we have been at home when Evie has had her lunch then I put her in her cot for her to have a nap (providing she didnt fall asleep in the morning).

On our way home from popping into town this morning Evie fell asleep for about 5 minutes (as it wasnt a very long sleep) I put her in her cot (after she had her lunch) to see if she would go to sleep and continue her nap.

I closed her curtains and her bedroom door and put on her monitor and came downstairs (and she was chattering away) she would go quiet for a couple of minutes and then the chattering would start again.

She still hadnt fallen asleep 45 minutes later so I bought her back downstairs.

I hope this doesnt mean that she doesnt want her naps anymore!


Eileen H said...

She must be winding them down and five minutes is nowamm 5 enough.
I say I'm having a 5 minute nap and it lasts an hour!

The Captain said...

I still like naps and I'm 42!

Eileen H said...

I don't know what happened to my comment!
I haven't been on the Christmas sherry honestly :-)