Tuesday, 28 April 2015

not just my phone

Yesterday we had Tumble Tots, and the photographer was finally in ;o)

I always watch Evie going around in case she wants to go to the toilet or the ladies running it call me over if she has had an accident, about half way through I was looking at her bottom and I was sure that I could see that she was wet but she never came over to say that she had done a wee, and I was never called over either.

So after she had got her sticker she came over to me and I felt her bottom and she had definitely wet herself so we went into the baby change/disabled toilet and I changed her leggings and knickers and we set off home.

Evie fell asleep on our way back so I left her in the buggy, when she woke up I asked her if she needed the toilet and she said "no" and when I got her out of the buggy I noticed that the dry seat was wet!

So I took her upstairs and had to change her top, leggings and knickers, and later on the afternoon/evening I had to change her knickers another two times.

Inbetween the underwear changes I had done a factory reset on my phone (James told me it was the way to fix it) and Acer have since advised it too.  And yes the wifi is working again now ;o)

I never realised that the factory reset would work on Evie also ;o)

So I am now putting all of the apps back onto my phone ;o)

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