So on Thursday
I took Evie to see the health visitor.
We left here just after one knowing that the session started at 1.30 pm.
I had just left our road when I realised that I had left the changing bag back at home I ummed and ahhed about whether to go back to get it and decided that if I didnt then Evie would have an accident or spill something down herself.
So I went back and get her bag...
...and we set off again and this time I realised that I had forgotten my smartphone (and I decided that that could be left at home as I really couldnt be bothered to go back again).
So we eventually got there and I put Evies red book in the basket (the other Mums were doing that too).
We got called and I told the Health Visitor about
Evies stammering, the first thing she said to me was "you didnt have to come here you could have just called" and then she was explaining to me the procedure...
...a health visitor would come to do a home visit to hear Evie talking in a familiar environment, and that they would do a hearing test to make sure that she could hear properly and then would decide whether to refer her to a speech therapist.
There was another Health Visitor too and she told me that her Nursery School could also refer her so I said that I would ask at her pre school for some advice.
To say that I was a bit worried after that was an understatement.
As it was it was a good thing that I decided to go back for Evies bag as we went for a drink after, I had a skinny latte and Evie had hot chocolate (in a teapot no less) ;o) And Evie knocked her beaker of warm chocolate over herself.
On Friday when I took Evie to pre school I asked the supervisor if I could chat to her about Evies stammering and she said yes that was ok.
She told me that she can refer Evie to speech therapy and that the Health Visitor could do the assessment there (as Evie would be more likely to speak and she could see her playing rather than her
keeping schtum because there is a stranger in her house, so I told her that it was a better idea.
When I picked Evie up at lunchtime we went through a form allowing the pre school to speak to the Health Visitor on our behalf (I did ask whether they would want me to be there and they pointed out that Evie would be more likely to play if I wasnt there) and bang on queue Evie reinforced that advice by wanting to cuddle me as we were going through the forms.
She said that she would get the referral forms later and that we can always cancel the sessions if Evies speech improves in the meantime.