Sunday, 12 July 2015

walking weekly shop

For the past few weeks now I have seen children around Evies age walking with their Mums and Dads rather than sitting in the trolley.

We have let Evie walk when we have popped in to the Supermarket mid week as we only have one trolley (we have two on a Sunday - I think that we only do that so that we are finished in half the time rather than because we are getting THAT much shopping).

This morning I made the "executive decision" to let Evie walk this time as opposed to sitting in the trolley.

I dont think that James was too happy but I pointed out to him that she would soon have to start walking with us anyway, so why not let her start walking now,

She behaved herself quite well ;o)

There was a trolley incident  though when I stopped and she carried on walking and she bonked her head.  She was ok after a quick cuddle ;o)

She was very chatty all the way around the shop.

She has always enjoyed going food shopping and I think that she enjoyed this time even better...

...although I think that the packet of chocolate corn cakes that James got her helped ;o)


Eileen H said...

I'm sure she is very well behaved, you are great parents.
I'm not a fan of going food shopping and I have mine home delivered now. I quite like the online shopping process now :-)

chocolat lover said...

we have thought about online grocery shopping but havent got around to it yet...