Wednesday, 19 October 2016

noT A boyfriend

On our way home Evie wanted to play in the playgound that we walk past, so we went in.

Evie then pulled a picture out of her pocket and told me that J had drawn it for her.

Evie did the scribbles in felt tip

So I asked her is J your boyfriend and she said "no I dont have a boyfriend I only have girlfriends, A, S & F"

So I asked her if she drew a picture for J and she said no, so I then asked if J drew a picture for anyone else and she said no.

When we got home I looked in her bookbag and she had more homework... we have come up with Toby the toad trod on the trampoline and had teacake and tea for his tea :)

Evie can now (if she wants to) write the word "sat"


The Captain said...

Time to invite the boy round and let James grill him!

chocolat lover said...

Kirt - I think James is contemplating :)

Eileen H said...

Aww that's very sweet. They start young these days :)