Thursday, 16 March 2017

magic beans in waiting

Yesterday when I picked Evie up from school, I saw another tray of plastic cups... I found Evies cup and held it in my hand.

When the teacher was letting the kiddies out he told us Mums & Dads not to take the beans.

So on our way home I asked Evie what she had planted and she said "magic beans".

I am not sure when we have to take them home or if they are something for the kids to look after at school.


Eileen H said...

Did you ask Evie if she's been told about Jack and the Beanstalk? :)

chocolat lover said...

yes her teacher red Jack and the beanstalk story to them, she has also seen it at the pantomime too :)

The Captain said...

Get yourself a beanstalk, imagine the opportunities.

chocolat lover said...

I would be too scared in case the giant spotted me...

...mind you he might take James :)

*googles* "magic beans"
