Friday, 31 March 2017

no bean stalk no investment job and no humpty dumpty

Yesterday I finally got an e-mail regarding the investment job interview and I didnt get it...

...oh well :)

Yesterday I also picked up Evies (not even sprouted yet) bean stalk (I think that I will ask her teacher for a bean to plant in there).  Most of the others had planted save for a few so we will give it another go :).

Evie had some homework to bring in at the beginning of the week... was to decorate a polystyrene egg like humpty dumpty :)

humpty dumpty
...she was supposed to bring it home with her yesterday and it wasnt in her bag, so I will ask her teacher about that too.

Its Evies last day before she breaks up for the Easter holiday so thats good :)


Eileen H said...

That's a shame you didn't get the job, their loss!

Enjoy the Easter holidays.

The Captain said...

Bad luck with the job. Enjoy your hols!

chocolat lover said...

Im still keeping optimistic :)