Friday, 2 February 2018

funky hair day

Today at school Evies house is having its fundraiser (there are 4 houses in total and they each have their own fundraiser and hers is first), each house has their own charity.

It is funky hair day and they can come in in non uniform or home clothes as Evie calls them :)

It is £1 for non uniform and 20p to enter the funky hair competition (Evie has already said she doesnt want to do the competition but I have put 20p in her bag for it anyway) to enter you just have your photo taken doing a silly pose and there are 3 prizes for the funkiest hair for the infants and juniors :)

Evie wouldnt let me do her hair too funky so this is what we went for...

her full outfit

head shot
and the back
She has 4 bunches 2 at the front and 2 at the back and I wasnt allowed to plait them! :)


Eileen H said...

Evie certainly knows her own mind :)
She looks lovely, her outfit and the bow in her hair are fab.
What a marvellous charity to raise funds for, MND is such a cruel illness.

Jules said...

Doesn't she look fab!
I wish Lily would do more fun things with her hair. She won't wear pretty hair clips, never mind a bow. It's just plaits every day here.
I hope Evie enjoys her day. X

The Captain said...

Wish we could do this at work. Still got loads of beard glitter left over from Christmas.

chocolat lover said...

Eileen - she had a great day - it was fun seeing the kids with their funky hair :)

Jules - Lily will suddenly (at the most inconvenient time) decide that she wants a jojo hairbow :)

You could even take her into Poundland or somewhere similar so she can chose one that she likes :)

Kirt - I think that should let people have hair as individual as you like :)