Monday, 19 February 2018

inconvenient time

When I booked up to get Sky Q, I was asked if I wanted a morning or afternoon slot.

I said that I didnt mind as long as it was between 9.30 AM and 2.30 PM so that I could easily get Evie to and from school.

I just got a text message from Sky saying that the engineer would be here between 2 PM and 4 PM! So the exact time slot that I didnt want...

It gave the engineers number in case I needed to get in contact with him.

So I called the engineer and explained to him that it would be easier for him and us if he could get to us sooner because of the school run.

He has said that he will get here between 12.30 PM and 1 PM so that is loads better for me, I just have to give him a phone call tomorrow to remind him.


Jules said...

It's so frustrating getting time slots isn't it. I was given an hour today when my new mobile phone was going to be delivered, which gave me a half hour slot before going out to work. Thankfully it arrived before I left the house. I hope it works out for you tomorrow. X

Eileen H said...

How annoying. Fingers crossed he turns up when you're at home and it doesn't take too long for him to install it.