Wednesday, 28 February 2018

were hoping for a snow day

James woke up this morning and said that he thinks that school will be closed today as a foot of snow had fallen! What a whole foot? then he changed it to half a foot.

At this point I got out of bad and looked out of the window, to me it looks like 4 or 5 inches...

...he then told Evie that school might be closed because of the snow.

I have made her put her school uniform on anyway (just in case it is open) I have already heard that another school is closed today.

hopefully a snow day
If we do have a snow day then we are going to make a snowman, or rather I will probably make it and Evie will tell me that I am doing it all wrong :)

We do have a snow day :)

Picture of the snowman will follow later :)


Jules said...

Lily had to stay off school today anyway, but I've just had a message that school is closed. Enjoy your day. Sledging and snowman building for us. X

chocolat lover said...

you too :)

Eileen H said...

We had snow yesterday and the schools here were closed. Today it hasn't all melted but the sun is shining. I'm worried it may be icy underfoot.

chocolat lover said...

I hate the ice too...

...take care :)