Wednesday, 11 April 2018

found them

On Tuesday I got an e-mail from Evies dance place with the newsletter for the next term, I couldnt see any other e-mails in reply to the one I sent last week, but nothing.

So I replied to their e-mail asking if htey had been left etc, ad I got a reply saying they hadnt seen any but would have a look that day...

...I got an e-mail last night saying that they had found them so thats good :)


Jules said...

That's good. Will you be able to sell them on? X

Eileen H said...

That's good that they looked and let you know they'd found them.

chocolat lover said...

Jules - the dance place expects us to put it in the unwanted items case and then the donated money goes to fund the end of year show costumes...

...we might sell them i dont know yet.

Eileen - Im glad that they had a look for them it would ave been more difficult to look when the waiting area is busy.