Sunday, 7 October 2018

not tooth hurty

The other day I got a reminder from the dentist about mine and Evies 6 month check up... the half term holiday is coming up I have booked it for then.

Evie is having more of her adult teeth coming in now too, so when the dentist reads out what teeth she has its going to be a mixture of letters and numbers :)


Eileen H said...

I've never understood those letters and numbers the dentist calls out :)
Does the tooth fairy call at your house and leave coins for Evie? :)

chocolat lover said...

she does, yes :)

although Evie has swallowed her latest tooth while eating her lunch, so she as written a letter to the tooth fairy asking if she can still have her money :)

Jules said...

I'm not looking forward to Lily losing her teeth. I really don't like it when they show you them wobbling. X