Sunday, 29 November 2009

this would never have happened in the French Revolution!

Last week I mentioned that I had wrapped up 77 die cast drills to give as presents to our brokers...

During the week I started getting the presents ready to send out. I printed off the Merry Christmas message to go on the presents (printed on A4 paper), as they had to be trimmed I got the guillotine out of the cupboard to trim the paper, and the bloody thing wouldnt work, it wouldnt cut the paper at all! I have ordered a replacement blade, which is being delivered to the UK partner from Germany on Tuesday.

So I ended up cutting them by hand, needless to say my cutting abilities arent great but they will do ;o).

I have posted seven so far to Australia, and I have a whole lot more to send next week and for most of them the last posting date is this Friday. My feet were sore enough this week. James your on stand by for some foot rubbing ;o). Poor poor James... ;o)

I was queuing up in Starbucks this morning getting Gingerbread latte # 15 and there was a bloke behind me on his mobile (cell) phone to a mate saying "Im in Costa and they have ginger loaf cake" I cant believe he uttered the "C" word in my beloved Starbucks. If I was one of the Barristas I would have unceremoniously chucked him out (after he paid for his drink) for being so stupid!

It would have made me laugh if he was supposed to be meeting his friend for a gingerbread latte and ended up in the wrong coffee shop ;o).

I took the plunge and weighed myself this morning since our holiday, I was hoping against hope to have lost something since I last weighed myself, but no I put on five pounds FIVE POUNDS FIVE POUNDS FIVE POUNDS. Mind you I am pretty sure Ive lost something since I have come back as my work trousers do feel looser.


Kelly said...

I love your is very fitting :)

I remember Jermaine having to take the blade to a local shop here, and they sharpened it and then he picked it up and took it back to the office. Imagine having to wait for something all the way from Germany!

Sometimes we lose inches, and not poundage ;)

Al said...

Hand cutting 77 sheets of paper? Rather you than me! I hope James is well prepared for his foot rubbing duties...

chocolat lover said...

Kelly, I love the word poundage ;o)

Al, James has got the latex gloves out in readiness ;o)

Kelly said...


Jessica said...

Ugh, I know how you feel about not being able to lose wieght. I put on so much weight after I had my daughter--she'll be one on the 9nth and I still have 20 pounds to lose!!

chocolat lover said...

thanks Jessica...

Anonymous said...

Have a soup week or maybe weekend and ignore bread for a whole week. Must be worth 2 or 3 lbs.

I lose weight by ignoring bread, nearly all ready food and unlike yourself chocolate too now, I used to be an addict for choc and all things sugar.

However, it is not all plain sailing for as hard as I (sometimes) try I still adore wine. And if I am really honest the odd fudge doughnut. : )

chocolat lover said...

thanks for that Joe...

...I now fancy a fudge donut ;o)

A soup week sounds like a good idea, December is never a good month for dieting, and will have to concentrate properly again in the new year!

Do I know you from a previous blog? Or have I just dialled another number? ;o)

Anonymous said...

Yes you do. Wouldnt make much of a spy would I. Tried 2 blogs between the original and now Snaps. Hoping that the combination of photos and a few words will keep me going this time.

On fudge doughnuts I had one in the bag today, half way across the counter in my direction when I had that sinking feeling. No money. Assistant just laughed and unbagged the lovely doughnut to pop back on the shelf. My subsequent walk during my break felt a bit hollow after that.

Gosh a bit shallow but there you are. Thats fudge doughnuts for yer.

chocolat lover said...

I would say you had a 50% success there ;o)

Ive been out before and realised that I have forgotten to take some money with me!

Nice to see you back ;o)