Friday, 12 March 2010

transferral of thoughts

I was walking in this morning thinking about bacon sandwiches and the fact that I hadnt done a mid week post (like I do sometimes ;o)).

Then mid morning I was about to make a round of teas, and my boss pipes up that he will buy as all a bacon sandwich (he must have picked up on my I want a bacon sandwich vibes) ;o).

So instead of having my normal Friday lunch of half a lamb sandwich I have gone for a hip & healthy salad from itsu


Kelly said...

I like the pink stripes :)

I had a BLT yesterday and it was LOADED with bacon, I had to take some off!!!

Isn't it nice when things work out for the better? ;)

chocolat lover said...

glad you like it ;o)

LOL I didnt think there could be any such thing as "too much bacon" ;o)

Al said...

Nice new design, I prefer it over the old one.

Perhaps next week you should think about how you haven't had a massive pay rise in a while on your way in. You never know, it might work!

There can't be such a thing as too much bacon, surely?

Mrs. Flax said...

Bacon? Is nature's candy. And it's a whole food to boot. Right? ;)

chocolat lover said...

Al - thats a good bit of thinking I will let you know if it works ;o)

Mrs Flax - that is one of bacons many qualities ;o)