Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Cant you read minds?

This morning my boss asked me to book a table for 3 people for lunchtime at Balls Brothers in Mincing Lane, which I duly booked...

...I have just 30 seconds ago got a phone call from my boss asking if I had booked Balls Brothers or Davys? So I said that I had booked Balls Brothers...

...he than said that he had meant Davys - and then said cant you read my mind!


Anonymous said...

You should say "Yes, I can read minds and it said Call Balls Brothers."

Al said...

I'd have asked him if he could read minds (after all the boss should never expect their staff to do anything they wouldn't do themselves). If he replied positively then ask him what I was thinking now and see what he has to say to that...

chocolat lover said...

those are both great responses ;o)