Thursday, 28 October 2010

back at work...

Today is my first day back at work...

...on the plus side I only have a two day week ;o)

The piles on my desk didnt look as bad as I thought they would be - although I have just back from making myself a cup of tea and have seen some piles that look suspiciously like they are coming in my direction!

Oh well Friday tomorrow


Al said...

Move your piles and put them on someone else's desk when they're not looking. Problem solved!

I'd have been very tempted to just have the whole week off myself!

Eileen H said...

What I'd give for a two day week...sigh
Don't get bogged down by your workload and spoil your holiday memories.

chocolat lover said...

Al - I didnt want to use my holiday all up in one go...

Eileen - trying my best...